Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire’s annual prize giving took place outdoors in the school playground. The event was conducted in compliance with all current social distancing rules. That meant that parents were unable to attend, however, a live stream was provided so that the event could be watched from home.

The prize giving event kicked off with the school band playing ‘When the saints go marching in”. Headteacher, Mrs Amanda Douglas, then delivered her round up of what has been a remarkable year. She began by talking about the excitement upon the return to school last September, albeit, with certain restrictions in place. The restrictions meant there were no swimming classes, the children couldn’t sing in large groups or play the recorder close together. In addition, children weren’t allowed to use dress-up clothes for drama. Classroom bubbles were established and strict social distancing rules were implemented. Despite the restrictions, pupils and staff adapted magnificently. The school’s Harvest Festival and Nativity play were streamed online so that parents could watch. The English Speaking Boards (ESB) examinations were done online. Mrs Douglas praised all the children that took part as the results were better than when the examinations were done face-to-face.

Mrs Douglas also reflected upon the moment when schools in England were given 13 hours notice to close in the wake of an exponential increase in COVID-19 cases. She praised staff and pupils for their flexibility, hard work, and dedication.

Best Private School Oxfordshire – Sunday Times Top 100 Schools

Mrs Douglas went on to announce that Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire was ranked 21st in the Sunday Times Top 100 Schools league table, making the school the ‘best private school in Oxfordshire’. A truly outstanding result and a testimony to the hard work of the pupils and the professionalism of the school’s teachers and support staff.

The prize giving

Mrs Douglas commenced the prize giving part of the event by saying good bye to Year 6 pupils as they depart for their respective secondary schools which this year include Burford School, Cotswold School, Kingham Hill School, Bloxham School, Tudor Hall School, and Oxford Montessori.

Achievement certificates were presented to pupils from Nursery through to Year 6. Class prizes were given to outstanding pupils for English, Maths, and overall progress. Awards and trophies were then given for under 8s poetry and over 8s poetry, art, and performing arts.

Sports day prizes were also announced with Victor and Victrix Ludorum cups being awarded to the pupils that won the most points for their House. The winning House of sports day was Cheviots.