The Parents’ Consultative Group

Windrush Valley Private School

The Parents’ Consultative Group

The Parents’ Consultative Group (PCG) is unique to Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire (ISI 2010). It serves as a sounding board, to provide the Headteacher with the parents’ thoughts and opinions on all matters pertinent to the school’s organisation. Every year each class elects a representative to sit on the Parents’ Consultative Group (PCG). The PCG class representative gathers feedback on various topics from the parents in their class group and feeds this information back to the Headteacher during the termly PCG meetings. Minutes of the PCG meetings are taken and circulated via Parentmail following the meeting.

From time-to-time the PCG will organise ad-hoc sub-committees to work on specific activities such as the Christmas raffle and other fundraising activities throughout the year. The PCG organise the Family Social Event which takes place at the end of the academic year, typically held at the Chipping Norton Rugby Club.

The PGC have class WhatsApp groups which new parents are invited to join. This platform enables parents to connect with each other and is maintained by the class representatives. It often supports the school by drawing parental attention to key information communicated formally by the school. It is also used to communicate lost school uniform items or to seek clarification on class activities from other parents.

More information about the Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire PCG can be provided by contacting the school office.