
Teachers and support staff


Our small class sizes, currently averaging 14 children per class, mean that pupils receive one-to-one attention and the highest standards of education. We have no mixed years classes and all pupils are taught by some of the best teaching talent around. To achieve this excellence all our teachers and support staff are highly qualified, highly experienced and trained to deliver the best for our pupils . Their role is to educate, inspire and support. They set the standard.


Exceptional teachers

Many of the teachers at Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire have been with us for several years. This provides continuity, stability and a wealth of experience. The school has received an award for Excellence by the Independent Schools Association. This recognition is testimony to our commitment to delivering outstanding education and the calibre of our teaching and support staff. We challenge ourselves constantly to be the best we can for the benefit of all our pupils.


Unrivalled pastoral support

Our pastoral support is nurturing, highly supportive and recognises that every one of our pupils is an individual, with individual needs and requirements. We create a safe and positive environment so that all our children thrive and improve their social, emotional and behavioural skills. Our pastoral support programme means that every child is safe, secure and happy.

Where required, the Headteacher personally co-ordinates all activities for children with additional learning needs.


Headteacher – Mrs Douglas BA(Hons) QTS

As Headteacher and leader of Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire, Mrs Douglas has the responsibility for ensuring the school continues to deliver the highest standards of academic and behavioural excellence. Mrs Douglas’ primary focus is to ensure every pupil at the school is given the best possible start.


Mrs Maudsley – Deputy Headteacher, Year 6 teacher

Mrs Maudsley is the Deputy Headteacher, Designated Safeguard Lead and current Year 6 Class teacher. She graduated from the University of Gloucestershire with a Bed (Hons) degree specialising in Science and English. Mrs Maudsley joined Windrush Valley School in 2012 and prior to this taught in a number of outstanding independent schools in both Key Stage 1 and 2. Mrs Maudsley has a keen interest in the pastoral aspect of school life and is responsible for the planning and delivery of the PSHE curriculum in KS2.

Miss Williams – BScEcon (Hons) – Year 4 Teacher

Miss Williams began her career as a museum educator and project coordinator working in Cardiff, Oxford and most recently for the Historic Royal Palaces. After having her daughter in 2014, she retrained as a primary teacher and has taught every age group across the Key Stages as well as holding positions as English Lead and Mentor in primary schools across Oxfordshire. Miss Williams is passionate about promoting literacy and wellbeing.

Mrs Lockyer – BA (Hons) - Year 1 Teacher

Mrs Lockyer has been working at Windrush Valley School for nearly 11 years now. She has a first-class university degree in Primary Education and English. Mrs Lockyer currently teaches Year 1. She has a passion towards science and conservation and has helped develop the new outdoor learning area along with a new science curriculum. In addition, Mrs Lockyer is a keen horsewoman and has a strong interest in animal welfare and care.

Miss Snowdon – BA (Hons) - Nursery Class Teacher

Miss Snowdon began her career as an Early Years teaching assistant working in a large primary school in Oxfordshire. During this, she gained a BA (Hons) in Early Childhood Studies and went on to complete her PGCE in Primary Education (3-7) from Oxford Brookes University. Since graduating, she has taught in a variety of primary schools through supply teaching and joined WVS as the Nursery Class Teacher. Miss Snowdon is passionate about promoting the personal, social and emotional wellbeing of young children to ensure they have secure foundations for later learning in life.

Mr Hone – Head of Academic Studies; Year 6 Teacher

After completing a History and Music degree, Mr Hone taught English as a foreign language and worked for an adventure travel company leading tours all over the world to such diverse destinations as Alaska, Iran and Madagascar. He then studied for his PGCE at Westminster College of Education (Oxford Brooks University) and gained his first teaching post at an Ofsted Outstanding maintained school which regularly topped the national league tables.

Mrs Sandiford – Year 3 Teacher

Mrs Sandiford is a highly regarded and experienced Teacher. She has been teaching for twenty-six years. Her teaching career includes six years at Monkton Combe School in Bath, where she taught Year One and Reception. Mrs Sandiford then went on to spend twenty years teaching at Dormer House School in Moreton-in-Marsh, Oxfordshire, where she taught every age group in Key Stages.

Mrs Mitchell - Early Years Lead – Year 1 Teacher

Mrs Mitchell gained a BA (Hons) in Primary Education from Canterbury Christchurch University. Since graduating she has taught in an outstanding school in Croydon and spent seven years teaching at Croydon High for Girls for the Girls Day School Trust. In this time, she was fortunate to teach Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. It was at Croydon High where her passion for teaching Early Years developed when she took on the role as Early Years Lead. Since relocating back to the Cotswolds with her young family, Mrs Mitchell enjoyed teaching at a local preparatory school before joining Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire in September 2021.

Mrs Lovell-Meade BSc Hons Dip ELS PGCE QTS Teacher

Mrs Lovell- Meade has a breadth of teaching experience in both the private and state primary education sectors . She first taught at Windrush Valley school in 2009 with Year 1, before moving on to teach Year 1 and Year 3 at the prestigious Oxford High School for Girls. Further classroom experience was gained across several schools in Witney, Oxfordshire. A number of teaching years later, Mrs Lovell-Meade returned to Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire to teach brass instruments and recorders both individually and in groups to perform at school events. She has a passion for music, playing the flugelhorn and the trumpet in a dance band, a brass band and a brass ensemble. More recently, Mrs Lovell-Meade has been teaching Year 3, one day a week.

Mrs Nowell BEd(Hons) First Class, Year 5 Teacher

Mrs Nowell has a breadth of experience teaching across the primary school age range. A love of geography resulted in her studying this subject to degree level. She also has a keen interest in science and art, promoting an active, practical and questioning approach to learning. Having grown up on a farm, she has a strong interest in the countryside and equine pursuits. Mrs Nowell is currently responsible for Year 5.

Miss Shirley BTec – Year 2 Teacher

Miss Shirley helped develop the current highly successful Foundation Unit and Phonics Programme. She now teaches Year 2 with additional responsibility as the Foundation Unit and Pre-Preparatory reading manager. Miss Shirley also runs the ever popular our Early Morning Care provision.

Mrs Riseley – BEd (Hons) Music - Reception Teacher

Mrs Riseley gained a Bed (Hons) in Music and graduated from Oxford Brookes with a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE). Mrs Riseley has a wealth of teaching experience spanning over 25 years, including teaching music in Kuwait for three years before returning to the UK. In addition to music, Mrs Riseley’s passions include sewing, gardening and history – in particular the Tudor period – and participating in Tudor enactments

Mr Welch – Level 4 Teaching Sport – Sports Coach

Mr Welch joined Windrush Valley Private School in 2023 and has a Level 3 Diploma in Sport, Level 4 Teaching Sport in Education Diploma and has achieved the National Rescue Award for Swimming Teachers. Mr Welch brings with him several years’ experience of teaching and supporting children across the primary school age. His key focus is to teach PE – aiming to motivate and inspire the children to challenge themselves and achieve their absolute best and translate that hard work into positive performances in fixtures and tournaments. Mr Welch also runs our After School Care sessions.

Teaching support staff and Administration

Mrs Brainin BA, Teaching Assist – French & Latin teacher

Mrs Brainin Child Psychology (BA) Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Hons). Mrs Brainin has been teaching at Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire since 2009. With years of experience in Canada, Mrs. Brainin has brought an array of teaching skills to the pre-preparatory program at the school. Her fluency in French has given her the opportunity to develop and grow the French program for years 1-6. Capitalising on her interest in languages, Mrs. Brainin embraces the new opportunity of engaging students as they explore the world of Latin.

Miss Dean – Teaching Assistant

After gaining a BA (Hons) in Business and Management, Miss Dean worked in industry before returning to education and completing her PGCE at Oxford Brookes University. Having spent two years in Gloucestershire at a small village primary, she moved to a large two form entry school in the local area where she worked as a Higher Level Teaching Assistant. As a qualified teacher, Miss Dean has taught regularly in her previous schools across early years and key stage 1 and enjoys supporting class teachers in providing the very best learning environment.

Mrs Taylor PGC SEN (SENCo) - Learning Support Specialist

Mrs Taylor began working at Windrush Valley Private School in 2009, developing the Special Educational Needs provision throughout the school; recognised in 2015 as Outstanding by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. Mrs Taylor is a qualified learning support specialist; University of Gloucestershire. She continues to develop her knowledge, skills and practice as a member of several professional SENCo forums, and national special educational needs associations.

Mrs Barron – School Business Manager

Mrs Barron Joined Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire School in September 2019 as the School Business Manager, having spent the previous five and a half years in a Local Authority maintained primary school. Mrs Barron’s role is to manage all the non-curriculum elements of the school: finance, health and safety and premises management.

Mrs Christie – B.Prim.Ed - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Christie gained her B.Prim.Ed degree in teaching from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Since obtaining her degree in 2001, Mrs Christie has accumulated many years of teaching experience, mainly teaching Early Years. Since immigrating to the UK with her husband and 3 children, Mrs Christie worked at a local preparatory school before joining Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire in 2021. Mrs Christie enjoys music and believes that children learn through songs and rhymes. She has introduced music lessons for the children in the Early Years to encourage them to move and sing along to music using puppets and musical instruments.

Ms Burrough - PA to the Headteacher

As PA to the Headteacher, Ms Burrough assists in organising internal and external meetings as well administrative duties.