Windrush Valley Prep School Oxfordshire – Nursery and Reception
Foundation Unit – Nursey and Reception
We understand how important it is for parents to receive regular feedback on how well their child is doing at school. Therefore, the Early Years team works closely with parents, providing daily feedback and progress updates on your child. In addition, we provide more formal feedback opportunities at regular intervals.
It is well researched that an excellent start in Early Years will set children up with the skills they need to succeed. Providing children with a rich curriculum, allowing them to think independently and to challenge themselves in a caring and welcoming environment lays the foundations to ensure accelerated progress. “Play is the highest form of research” Albert Einstein.
Academic Studies
The children in the Foundation Unit follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum for 3 to 5 year-old children. This is broken down into three prime aspects and four specific areas of learning. The three prime aspects of learning are Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development. The four specific areas are Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts. Our staff combine the child centred approach of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum with a phonics and number programme that allows the children to achieve beyond age expectations. Many of our children begin on our reading programme whilst still in our Nursery Class.
Performing Arts
Our children are given the opportunities to develop their confidence right from Nursery. Attending Church assemblies each week they see their older peers perform and lead by example. The children proudly take part in the EYFS assembly each term to parents. After only ten weeks with us our Nursery children perform alongside the Reception in their Nativity play in front of an audience.
Sports – Games/PE/Swimming
We have a dedicated sports coach providing their PE lessons on a Thursday. The lessons are linked to the EYFS Curriculum and encourage the development of skills such as throwing and catching, coordination, developing and strengthening muscles and developing talents.
Our World
We have developed an enriching and captivating curriculum plan for the Foundation Unit. Our topics are spread over a two-year cycle. We also follow the children’s interests and link this to their learning.
My World
My World lessons support and develop the social, emotional and well-being of every child. The lessons consist of a combination of the PHSE curriculum and the RE Curriculum. Each child is taught to value and respect one another and celebrate differences and strengths, developing self-esteem and a positive growth mind-set.
Educational Visits/School Trips
In the Foundation Unit our aim is to enrich the children’s learning through experiences such as trips, interactive experiences, guest visitors and exploring our beautiful local area.
When your child is ready they will start to take home reading books. We encourage the children to read every day at home. Spellings will be sent out to the Reception class once the children have grasped the phonic skills needed.