Charity Event
At Windrush Valley Prep School Oxfordshire, each term, one of our Houses organises, and hosts, a charity event. The term is was ‘Cotswold’ House’s turn. The chosen charity was the Salvation Army Christmas Charity Appeal that is raising funds to help support people that are lonely, desperate, homeless or hungry. The pupils raised money by wearing PJs and Onesies to school instead of their uniform.
Foundation Unit
In Reception we have been learning about 2D shapes, a highlight for many was the shape hunt they went on with Mrs Christie. They discovered the windows were made from rectangles, there were circles and a large triangle in our playground. We have been learning to describe and recognise a circle, triangle, square, rectangle and hexagon. Nursery have had a wonderful week, exploring the letter ‘r’. They have created beautiful Robins and practised ripping up paper to accompany the Jolly Phonics song. Our Nativity singing is going well, and hums of the song can often be heard from the children when we are not practising.
We will have a Christmas Post-box in our classroom so that the children can bring in their cards for their friends. Please address envelopes with full names and year groups. These will be sorted and handed out by Year 6 in the last few days of term.
Year 1 and Year 2
Year 2 enjoyed doing their English Speaking Board (ESB) presentations on Tuesday and they all are looking forward to the results, which will be in their Christmas reports. One job finishes and another one starts; we are now working on our production of the Nativity – ‘The Big Little Nativity’. Working alongside Nursery & Reception and Year 1, it is a very busy production, please work with your child, helping them to learn their lines. With all this going on we squeeze in English, Maths, PSHE, History, Swimming, Reading and Games… we are Busy! Busy! Busy! Printing Club – on a Tuesday and Thursday have had their work fired and will be given out to take home next week.
They are very colourful – they should be proud of their efforts.

Year 4
This week has been a very, very busy week in Year 4. On Monday, the children performed their English Speaking Board (ESB) exams, and all performed confident, polished performances. All their hard work paid off and they should be very proud of their efforts. We hope to receive the results in time for the end of term report. The remainder of the week has been a review of the work we have done so far this term, ready to start our Christmas activities and rehearsals next week. The class thoroughly enjoyed wearing a range of bedtime attire on Friday and requested this to become a regular Friday occurrence!
Year 5
In maths, Year 5 have been making connections between place value, fractions, and decimals. They have been successfully converting fractions to decimals and vice versa. In English, we have been focusing on adverbials and using them to write interesting sentences. On Tuesday Year 5 had their ESB examinations and produced their best performances yet! The examiner was very impressed, particularly with the length of the poems learned and the in-depth knowledge demonstrated in their talks. With ESB out of the way, we started learning our songs for the Christmas performance. Another busy week – well done Year 5!
Year 6
The term is racing on and as we have started practising for the end of term Carol Concert, Christmas can’t be too far! Our English Speaking Board examinations on Monday went very well with all the children delivering a very high standard of presentation. Area and perimeter have been our maths topics this week and we have been looking at word classes in grammar, more specifically how these can be changed by adding suffixes. In History we learned about how the advanced nature of weapons, particularly the introduction of the cartridge-fed machine gun, which could deliver 600 rounds per minute, led to extreme devastation on the Western Front. We had two good sessions up at the sports field practising and playing rugby and hockey.
Windrush Valley Prep School Oxfordshire.