Windrush Valley Prep School Oxfordshire – Year 1
The move from Foundation Unit to Year 1 can seem daunting to some children, however with regular visits into the Foundation Unit to carry out breaktime duties, the children become more familiar with their teacher. In the classroom it is important for children to start to become more independent and confident in tackling weekly challenges such as, getting dressed at swimming and games. This also applies to work set in the classroom where the children are taught to work carefully and independently which supports their transition into Year 2. There is a connecting door into Year 2 which allows free flow of children during non- core subjects to work in groups of mixed ages. Working closely with Miss Shirley allows the Year 1 children to be familiar with their next teacher and ready for the new academic year. Becoming a member of the Key Stage One community, children are given responsibilities to help around the unit, these can range from handing out books and lunchboxes, to sharpening pencils and sorting the library corner. This nurturing approach helps all child to grow into helpful members of not only the school but the wider community.
Academic Studies
Maths – Maths in Year 1 starts to build on the children’s’ understanding on numbers, place value, counting and measurements. In Year 1 Children will follow the Target your Maths scheme. This programme of teaching offers materials which meet the requirements of the National Curriculum Framework. Each lesson in the Target your Maths book is divided into three sections. Section A has introductory activities which develop towards the requirements for Year 1 pupils. This section can be used to remind children of work previously encountered in Reception, as well as providing materials for the less confident child. Section B’s activities are based upon the requirements for Year 1 pupils. Most children should be able to work successfully at the level. Section C provides extension for the faster workers and for those who need to be moved quickly on to more challenging tasks. This generally matches the requirements for Year 2 pupils.
English – Following on from their time in the Foundation Unit, the Year 1 children continue their learning journey through the Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar programme. The teaching of the Jolly Grammar Year 1 programme is multisensory and active, and progresses at a challenging pace. Each part of speech, for example, is introduced with an accompanying action and colour. The actions not only enliven the teaching, but also make parts of speech easier for the children to remember. The most dramatic improvements to result from using the Jolly Grammar programme will be found in the children’s writing. The children will be able to spell and punctuate more accurately, use a wider vocabulary and have a clearer understanding of how language works. Children will participate in group and guided reading lessons, where they will study a variety of texts. Here they can build on their comprehension skills and develop their independent writing. Each child is heard read daily to encourage a love of reading and books as well as seeing their progression blending and fluent reading.
Languages – Welcome to the French language. In Year 1, the children start introductory French. The lessons focus primarily on spoken French and the children learn how to conduct small conversations and to sing traditional French songs. Written French is a weekly component as well and is delivered through the well-recognised Skoldo program. The goal of Year 1 French is to make the children comfortable with a new language by making it accessible and fun.
Performing Arts
The year includes preparations for Harvest Festival, Nativity and May Dancing. The children will continue to perform individual class assemblies which are themed around SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) topics. They perform stories, facts and songs linked to topics such as Responsibility, Respect, Courage, Tolerance as well as highlighting any global celebrations such as Chinese New Year and Remembrance Day
Sports – Games/PE/Swimming
Sports takes place on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. There is a wide range of sport on offer to Year 1 pupils throughout the year. This is delivered by an outside agency known as Ignite Sports. The Ignite coaches teach the children the skills they need for particular sports. The children cover a range of sports from Rugby, Hockey, Football, Netball, Athletics and Rounders. Additionally, on Mondays, children take regular swimming lessons at Kingham Hill School.
Our World – Science and Geography
The science and geography curriculum plan runs over a two-year cycle and follows the national curriculum objectives. As science and geography are enquiry-based subjects, pupils are encouraged to ask questions, investigate and discover the answers. Topics are chosen to help pupils further their understanding of the interactions between people, places and environments. Wherever possible science is taught to encourage each child to be inquisitive, observant and take part in practical activities enabling them to build on their curiosity and extend their understanding of the physical and natural world.
My World
My World lessons support and develop the social, emotional and well-being of every child. The lessons consist of a combination of the PHSE curriculum and the RE Curriculum. Each child is taught to value and respect one another and celebrate differences and strengths, developing self-esteem and a positive growth mind-set. This is usually taught through role play scenarios and thinking about how we can be members of the wider community. All children enjoy these lessons and join in all elements of role play.
Educational Visits/School Trips
Local trips are organised throughout the academic year (usually) in support of science, history or geography topics e.g. visits may include Oxford Botanic Gardens for the topic of Plants in Science, Roves Farm to meet Father Christmas and farm animals, and Cotswold Wildlife Park for any topics to do with animals.
Maths and English homework, which generally consolidates the week’s learning, is set on Friday and is due in by the following Thursday. Spellings are learned weekly, each week focuses on a different spelling rule or pattern. Spelling tests take place on Thursdays.