Homework does not necessarily involve completing unfinished class work; it can be an entirely new task in its own right. Its central purpose is to reinforce and extend learning and considerable care should be exercised that this primary purpose is addressed. Homework is specified clearly in both the Literacy and Numeracy programmes.
Holiday work should include extended topics, preferably involving a ‘research’ element. Younger children can achieve this through the use of a ‘diary’ model topic, whilst very young children may write about ‘Where in the world is Barnaby Bear’.
In addition to the times quoted above, pupils in Years 5 and 6 are required to read, independently both for pleasure and information, for up to a further 2 hours per week. Pupils in Year 4 are required to do so for up to a further 1 hour per week.
For English and Mathematics, pupils should work for some of the time in their own homework book. Rules for the presentation of work still apply and again neatness should be insisted upon.
Foundation Unit:
This begins in Nursery with songs and jingles to learn and books to look at and talk about. When Jolly Phonics is introduced it quickly moves to words and books to read to Mummy and Daddy. Throughout this time, it is also important for Mummy and Daddy to read stories to, sing songs with and learn nursery rhymes together.
Forms 1 and 2:
It formalises in Forms 1 and 2 with reading books, times-tables to memorise and spellings to learn. Homework is set on a Friday and is due on the following Thursday. It is more important to develop a positive approach to homework at this stage than worry about the amount of time spent on homework or indeed the actual task.
Forms 3 to 6:
In Forms 3 to 6 it formalises into specific tasks of English (including reading and spellings), maths (including times-tables) and other subject specific tasks. Children have a week to complete all work set. Homeowrk for Forms 3 and 4 is set on a Friday and is due in the following Thursday. Homework for Forms 5 and 6 is set on a Monday and is due in the following Friday. Tests in spellings and times-tables are carried out at the end of the week.
All homework is recorded in a Homework Diary and parents should check that these are completed fully.