Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire – this week’s news and updates from nursery and years 1 to 6.
Foundation Unit
The Foundation Unit have had a wonderful week finishing off their Dinosaur topic and learning about the Easter story. We will be starting a new topic of Transport after the Easter holidays. If the Reception children have any large boxes at home, please bring them in so we can make a class train. Please do continue to read and share stories with your children at home. We hope you have a restful holiday and we are looking forward to three new children starting in the Foundation Unit, Aria, Agnes and Reign to join in our fun.
Year 1 & Year 2
An enjoyable last week of term has been had by all the children. We have written up our trip to the Botanical Gardens last week, with children describing their favourite parts. We have then been having fun with some Mastermind and Who Wants to be a Millionaire style quizzes in all aspects of the curriculum. We have had an Easter Colouring competition running all week. All the children participated and winners were chosen by Mrs Brainin. The Winner in Year 1 was Evan and the winner in Year 2 was Joshua . This week’s Spelling Champions were Isabella in Year 1 and retaining his title in Year 2, Stanley. Big well done to you both. We are all looking forward to welcoming new children to KS1. Noah in Year 1, Vivienne and Cooper into Year 2.
Year 3
In the classroom this week, we have been getting into Easter! We have been looking at the Easter Story in RE, why we celebrate Easter and how Jesus came to be on the cross. In maths we’ve been looking at fractions of shapes, combined with some fun Easter maths to check times tables and other skills with a seasonal theme. We have worked incredibly hard with the play this week, with the amazing final performance on Thursday night. We were so proud of all the children, the singing and acting was amazing and all the hard work has really paid off. They should be very proud of themselves.
Year 4
Theatre week this week at Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire. Year 4 were focused on the play Olivia, and what a sterling job all of the children did at the Theatre on Thursday evening. They performed so confidently, and we are very proud of them. We have been busy watering our seeds this half term and we have some clear results for the experiments we have carried out. Our seeds have certainly preferred sunlight, a mid-range amount of water and they have needed soil, in order to grow. We did notice that some of the seeds started to grow but without water, they soon faded and dried up. We will be continuing our topics after half term, so if you fancy planting some seeds during the Easter holidays, we can have a look at their growth on our return.
Year 5
This week, we with the rest of Key Stage Two, have been very busy practising and then performing “Olivia the musical”. It was a fantastic performance of which everyone involved can be very proud. In English we read a funny story about “Why rabbits have long ears”. It made us laugh because the over-confident rabbit wanted to marry the female jaguar! We had some fun discussions describing the different characters and their motivation! In maths, we have revisited place value and rounding by comparing and rounding decimal numbers.
Year 6
We spent quite a lot of time this week running through the play and going through last week’s assessments. I am really pleased with how everyone did in both so well-done year 6! As we have our SATs tests coming up soon after Easter, I will post work on the Google classroom to keep us ticking over. It’s been a great term; the class should feel very pleased with all their hard work.