School days

The School day at Windrush Valley Prep School Oxfordshire is planned around our inspiring and stimulating curriculum which is devised within a nurturing, supportive and positive environment. The core school day runs from 9am to 3.30pm and includes; literacy, language, mathematics, science, technology, human & social, sports, art and music. The variety of activities available within the school day reflects the range, extent and complexity of its provision.

School days are geared around our small class sizes, currently average 14 pupils. This means your child receives one-to-one attention from our high qualified and experienced teaching staff. We deliver academic excellence, build self-esteem, self-confidence and independence. We are an independent primary school for boys and girls aged 3-11. Therefore, we prepare children for a successful future in either the independent secondary school or state secondary school sectors. Windrush Valley Prep School Oxfordshire is extremely proud of our results which has meant that over the last 25 years all pupils have passed their senior school entry examination and attended their chosen secondary school. Our school days are meticulously planned to ensure we continue delivering academic excellence and giving our pupils the very best start.

Drop-off and Collection

Parking: Please take great care when parking; park sensibly and safely, avoiding potentially dangerous areas such as junctions and corners and with due consideration for our neighbours. Always remember there may be young children around and between parked cars. Parking is available up the High Street, and along Shipton Road. Both are a very short walk from the school – what we are encouraged to call “Park and Stride” to school.

Drop-off: Children can be dropped off from 8.30am and should be encouraged to come in on their own and make their way to their classroom in order to promote independence. A member of staff will be on duty at the school gate.

Collection: Parents collecting Nursery aged children between 12.00 and 13.00, should wait by the small gate in the playground where your child will be brought to you.

For all other children, collection at 3.30pm or 4.30pm (depending on attendance at extended day activities) will be from the school playground. Your child will line up with the class or activity teacher, and sent to you. Please wait on the village Green for your child to be released.

Children in after-school care must be collected from the designated classroom (Ground Floor Classroom, Old School). Please enter through the FU cloakroom entrance.



Windrush Valley Prep School – wrap-around care

To support the needs of working parents Windrush Valley Prep School Oxfordshire provides supervised wrap-around care daily:

  • Before School Care (BSC): from 8am
  • After School Care (ASC): from 3.30pm to 6pm.

Both Before School Care and After School Care can be accessed by booking in advance, drop-in request or telephone call. For more details please speak with the school office or the class teacher.