Nursery & Reception

Nursery have been learning the ‘e’ sound and continuing our work on the number 2. The children have played with Noah’s Ark, made an elephant and hunted for 2 items in the treasure box. We are also starting to get into the festive spirit by making crafts to add to our wall display. In Reception, the children have been learning the digraphs ‘ie, ee and or’. This is a tricky concept to associate two letters with one sound, we have practised on whiteboards, sang our songs and read aloud to each other. In Mathematics, our focus has been on positional language, we have moved objects around the doll’s house such as ‘the boy is behind the house’. This also links to our English focus of ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’. All the children can confidently retell the story using actions.


Year 1

Year 1 pupils have been learning about Peru in search of Paddington Bear’s original home in Geography. We located South America and Peru on a world map before moving on to creating a fact file about Peru. In English, the children have been looking at all the different letters Paddington and Aunt Lucy wrote to each other in our class book ‘Paddington’s Christmas Post’. We are going to use these for inspiration to write to Paddington about our own news. In Maths, the children have been working hard on adding numbers together using ten frames as well as understanding addition word problems within 10. In Sport, we have been working on our tag rugby skills. This week the children practiced their passing whilst a defender tried to get the ball. They then moved on to kicking and seeing how far they could kick a rugby ball.


Year 2

Pupils have been involved in Anti-Bullying Week – Reach Out. The aim in Year 2 has been to understand what bullying is and why it happens. To understand the purpose of Anti-Bullying Week and the theme of this year, to think of ways that we can all try to stop bullying. The children wore odd socks to show that it it’s never OK to bully people because they are different. By wearing odd socks for Anti-Bullying Week is a way of showing that it’s OK to be different!


Year 3

Pupils have been practicing their English Speaking Board (ESB) presentations. In PE and Sport, we played hockey, rugby and practice for the up-and-coming athletics tournament. In maths, we have been revising place value and the column method for addition and subtraction. In French, pupils revised the numbers they have learned so far.


Year 4

In Maths, Year 4 pupils of Windrush Valley Prep School Oxfordshire have learned to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 and using bar graphs to interpret and record data. We are using our place value charts, to help move the numbers to the left or right depending on if we are multiplying or dividing. In English, we have been learning about determiners and identifying where we would find them, and if they show quantity or possession. In Art, we created some colourful leaf prints using the paints and rollers and in Geography, pupils continued to study different forms of extreme weather


Year 5

Windrush Valley Prep School Oxfordshire Year 5 pupils have been practising all elements of the English Speaking Board (ESB) exam. In Maths, pupils continued to learn about long multiplication and then used their multiplication skills to solve word problems involving real life scenarios. In ICT the children have continued learning more about coding which included programming sprites to speak, interact and move in different directions.


Windrush Valley Prep School – Year 6 Class

Windrush Valley Prep School Oxfordshire Year 6 pupils have been practising their English Speaking Board (ESB) presentations. The presentation cover a variety of topics ranging from tropical fish and archery to Roald Dahl, and the piano. These talks are a great opportunity for the children to get used to addressing a group and speak confidently – important life skills. In Maths, we have been looking at finding a fraction of a quantity and also picking apart word problems. Miss Shirley continues to coach the class in their Art skills.