Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire returned to school on 1 June. We have implemented a comprehensive range of policies and protocols to ensure a safe and secure environment for everyone. Our priority remains the safety of our pupils, parents, and staff.
School layout and infrastructure
We are fortunate in so much as the layout of the school, and its buildings, enables us to implement many of the new policies and protocols without too much trouble. For instance, the school has three separate teaching buildings which means Year groups are self-contained and confined. In addition, each building has multiple external doors. This means one-way entering and exiting for all pupils and staff is in operation. The buildings also have their own toilet facilities. School offices and administration buildings are separate from the teaching buildings, therefore, only teaching staff are in proximity to pupils.
In relation to dropping off and collecting children, the school has a separate main entrance and a separate exit. Furthermore, the village green opposite the school provides an idea area for parents to comply with 2 metre social distancing.
- Government advice is being accessed and assessed daily by the Headteacher.
- Daily risk assessments of classrooms, social distancing and hygiene rules are carried out, without exception.
- Visitors to the school are not permitted without prior approval and only for essential deliveries or repairs.
- Social distancing rules and other hygiene rules are communicated to staff and pupils.
- Sufficient stocks of hygiene materials are held in school and are regularly checked and restocked as needed.
- School cleaners have been briefed according to the government advice.
- Shared teaching resources are, whenever possible, limited to individual pupils and thoroughly cleaned after use.
- Plans for transition to full opening or lockdown closures are in place. Future planning will be influenced by measures put in place for partial reopening.
Social distancing
- Pupil drop off and collection are staged at different times. In addition, parents are to drop off and collect their children from the school gate. Parents must not enter the school.
- Class groups are kept apart in different school buildings.
- Within their class groups, all children will be seated one pupil per desk, 2 metres apart.
- Lesson and activity planning will reflect the need to minimise movement around the classroom and to avoid the use of shared resources.
- Playtimes will be staggered so that groups of children do not mix on the playground.
- Lunches will be eaten in individual classrooms to keep class groups separate.
- Children may only use the toilets in their designated area.
Hygiene practices
- School cleaners are working in accordance with government guidance
- Regular hand washing throughout the day. At a minimum; on arrival; after toileting; before and after eating; before departure.
- Tables, chair backs, door handles and other hard surfaces are wiped with anti-bacterial spray at breaktimes and lunchtimes.
- Pupils will not share stationery items.
- Toilets are cleaned at lunchtime and after school.
- Soft toys, dressing up clothes, cushions and other such items will not be used.
- Foundation Unit toys will be rotated on a daily basis. Toys used in the morning will be removed at lunchtime and replaced with clean toys for the afternoon. Toys will be sterilised before being used again.
- School reading books will not be sent home. Group and guided reading will take place regularly and often at school.
- Non-essential items such as hats and blazers will be left at home
Medical policies
- Pupils and staff with pre-existing medical conditions are known to the school. Options to returning to school have been offered.
- Any pupils or staff that have been tested positive for Covid-19 during lockdown must notify the school.
- Anyone that has been in contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid-19 must notify the school and follow government isolation guidelines.
- Any pupil or member of staff that presents with symptoms at school will be isolated until they can leave the premises.
- Any pupil or member of staff that tests positive for Covid-19 must follow government isolation guidelines.
- If any member of a class group, including the teacher, tests positive for Covid-19 the whole class group will follow government isolation guidelines and remote teaching will be re-instated until the isolation period ends and/or the class teacher can return to school.
Teaching and learning
- A revised timetable will be followed to allow pupils and staff to comply with social distancing and hygiene measures.
- Online teaching will continue for the year groups not yet able to return to school.
- Online teaching will be provided for those pupils in the year groups allowed to attend but who have chosen to stay at home for either underlying health conditions or who feel the risks are too great.
- Key worker children, pupils with an EHCP and vulnerable children will be placed with the closest in age year group or a separate group made.
- Outdoor lessons are encouraged as frequently as the weather permits.
Mrs Amanda Douglas