The Coronavirus outbreak may have physically closed our doors, but we’re fully committed to ensuring that our pupils continue to receive the highest standards of education.

Following the government’s decision to close schools, we’ve been speaking with parents and defining best practise. As a result, the school has derived a set of principles which will drive its approach to online schooling:

  • Parents are busy working from home themselves. Therefore, have limited time to help with schooling.
  • It is essential for pupils to have continuous live interaction with teachers
  • Lessons are interactive, replicating the normal classroom environment at much as possible
  • Lessons are planned, structured and adhere to the normal school curriculum
  • An efficient mechanism for pupils and teachers to share files, documents and completed schoolwork is provided
  • Teachers continue to assess and mark pupil’s completed work and  assignments
  • Pupils are given a safe and secure online platform in which they can engage with their school friends and other pupils


Google Classroom

To meet these principles, Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire has adopted Google Classroom as its online schooling platform.

Google Classroom has been specifically designed to make online teaching more productive, collaborative, and meaningful.  It means the school’s teachers can plan, structure and deliver lessons efficiently and effectively for the benefit of pupils, teachers and parents.

In addition, it provides a safe and secure environment for pupils and teachers to be in continuous live dialogue and interaction through chat and audio. Note, for safeguarding reasons video conferencing is not enabled.


IT and technical support for parents

For much of its day-to-day IT support and troubleshooting, Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire uses a specialist IT support company. During these times, the school has agreed to extend its IT support helpdesk to parents for help with any school-related IT issue. Parents have been given contact details of this dedicated IT Support Helpdesk.


New admissions – still open

New admissions open. It’s that time of the year, when parents are looking for a new school for their children. We’re determined that Coronavirus is not going to get in our way of helping parents decide whether Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire is the school for their children. That’s why the Headteacher, Amanda Douglas, is giving all prospective new parents an opportunity to talk face-to-face, albeit, by video. If you are a new parent, please call us on 01993 831793 or visit our contact us page to arrange your virtual meeting.