Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire – New Admissions – Meet the Headteacher
Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire accepts new admissions all year round. The Headteacher, Mrs Amanda Douglas BA(Hons) QTS, is giving all prospective new parents an opportunity to talk face-to-face and have a tour of the school to help you decide whether Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire is the best school for your children.
Whilst a face-to-face meeting in person is optimal, we recognise that not all parents may be able to physically visit the school. In such cases, Mrs Douglas will be happy to conduct a one to one and tour of the school via a zoom meeting.

Book your one-to-one
Please telephone or email us, as follows:
Tel: 01993 831793
Email: info@windrushvalleyschool.co.uk
Alternatively, please feel free to request a call back via our contact page.
Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire
Windrush Valley Private School Oxfordshire is ranked in the top 30 Best Private Schools in England by the Sunday times. This ranking has also given us the title of Best Private School Oxfordshire.
We believe that every child deserves the best possible start. With class sizes currently averaging 14, our pupils receive one-to-one attention, and the highest standards of education. We build self-esteem, self-confidence and independence; preparing boys and girls aged 3-11 for a successful future in either the independent or state senior school sectors. Over the last 25 years all pupils have passed their senior school entry examination and attended their chosen secondary school.