Nursery & Reception Classes – Half Term Roundup
The children in the Nursery and Reception classes at Windrush Valley Prep School have had a wonderful first half-term, filled with learning, creativity, and exciting new experiences. From exploring phonics to meeting community helpers, each week brought something new to inspire curiosity and joy in our youngest learners.
Nursery’s First Steps in Phonics and English
For our Nursery children, this term marked the beginning of their journey at Windrush Valley Prep, and they have settled in beautifully, embracing everything that school life has to offer. In Phonics, we introduced the first six phonemes: s, a, t, i, p, and n. To make learning memorable, the children created artwork that corresponded with each sound, like making a pink pig using paper plates and paint to reinforce the /p/ sound. These engaging activities were accompanied by lively songs, which the children loved singing, and they were excited to take their first reading books home to share with their families.
In English, we delved into a special set of “Super 6” stories, which included classics like Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and The Lion Inside. These stories not only sparked the children’s imaginations but also helped them learn the basics of storytelling. We explored the elements of a storybook, such as titles, authors, illustrators, and blurbs, and the children enjoyed acting out and retelling the tales through artwork. It’s been amazing to see them grow in confidence as storytellers, using their creativity to bring each story to life.

Exploring Numbers and Patterns in Nursery Maths
Maths in Nursery has focused on the numbers 1, 2, and 3, with plenty of hands-on activities like counting, subitising, and singing number-based songs. Stories such as The Three Little Pigs provided the perfect backdrop for practicing these early numeracy skills. The children also explored repeating patterns using loose-part materials, learning to identify and create patterns through play.
Phonics and Reading Progress in Reception
For our Reception children, the focus has been on phonics and reading, where they have covered almost all single-letter sounds and six digraphs. The children have not only been practicing the correct letter formations but also using their knowledge to write words by listening for sounds. This is an important step towards early literacy, and the progress has been remarkable. Through the “Super Six” texts, Reception explored stories like The Little Red Hen, The Smeds and the Smoos, and The Man on the Moon. These books introduced valuable lessons in friendship, tolerance, and environmental care. The children sequenced the stories, labelled characters and objects, shared opinions, and even wrote “Thank You” letters to visitors, building both their comprehension and writing skills.
Reception Maths: Patterns, Sizes, and Numbers
In Maths, Reception children practiced number composition up to 3, working on patterns, weight, size, and colour. They used songs, stories, and hands-on materials to deepen their understanding of these early concepts, laying the foundation for future maths learning.
Learning About Helpers in Our Community
This term’s theme, “People Who Help Us,” gave the children an opportunity to learn about helpers in our community. Starting with self-portraits, the children learned about various roles such as firefighters, police officers, vets, and doctors. They were particularly thrilled by visits from some of these community helpers, with the highlight being a visit from the local fire brigade. The children got to sit inside the fire engine, and the excitement peaked as they each had a turn spraying water from the hose!

Celebrating Autumn and Nature’s Changes
As we concluded the term, the focus shifted to the season of Autumn and the changes it brings to our environment. Through nature walks and seasonal crafts, the children observed and discussed the beauty of the changing leaves and the crisp autumn air, learning to appreciate the world around them.
Looking Forward to More Learning Adventures
Overall, it has been an exciting and enriching first half-term for the Nursery and Reception classes. Watching the children grow in confidence, creativity, and curiosity has been a joy, and we’re looking forward to more wonderful moments in the next term!
Each week has brought new learning, friendships, and fun, and we’re excited to see what the next term holds for our young explorers at Windrush Valley Prep.