Reporting to parents
Information is made available to parents in one or more of the following ways:
- Via your child/ren’s class teacher
- By letter, via your child/ren’s book bag
- For younger children, specific comments included in home school diaries
- Weekly Bulletin
- Parentmail
- The school’s website
- Parent’s Evenings – these provide the opportunity to formally discuss your child’s progress with their teacher and are carried out twice per year. With your co-operation, we endeavour to keep appointments to 15 minute intervals. Pupils’ English, mathematics and Science books are available for scrutiny prior to each meeting.
- End of term written reports – These are produced twice per year and are handed out at the end of the Autumn Term and Summer Term.
- Parents of children supported by an additional SEND Programme, will be invited to attend a termly SEND meeting with their child’s class teacher and SEND Support Co-ordinator.
Informal meetings with parents usually revolve around the brief, unplanned but essential “chats” at the start and end of school days involving any matter of personal concern; for example, reading books, uniform, lunches, friendships, or feeling unwell. Parents wanting more time to discuss their child’s progress should arrange a separate meeting with the class teacher.
From time-to-time parents will have issues of individual concern which are referred to the Headteacher for resolution following consultation with the teacher and parents.