As the seasons start to change and we wrap up this autumn term at Windrush Valley Prep School, I would like to reflect on some of the changes that have taken place here at school. It has indeed been a busy few months for us all.

The children have been on their residential, competed in numerous sport fixtures, participated in the Harvest Festival, elected a Student Council and taken their English-Speaking Board examinations. It’s been an activity packed term for them and I’m sure they are looking forward to a well-deserved festive break.

This term, the Governors and the Senior Leadership Team have put in place various initiatives that we hope will allow us to better serve our school community. The year now starts with an informal parent meeting, which we hope provides a clear academic roadmap for both children and parents. The PCG has been revamped, advocating for school-parent collaboration that focuses on enhancing the Windrush Valley Prep School experience for all stakeholders. If the inaugural cheese and wine evening was anything to go by, we trust that the Windrush Valley Prep School community spirit can only grow from strength to strength. As mentioned above, the children have elected their first Student Council and looking forward, a new house system based on Work, Values and Society will be introduced. Combining personal development, academic achievement and community contribution, we hope these changes will enhance the wellbeing for all.

It goes without saying that the biggest change and challenge that our community has faced this term is the confirmation that VAT will be levied on private school fees. The Senior Leadership Team and I have spent a considerable amount of time on budgeting and planning to ensure the viability of the school for all. We have been able to offer a small discount on fees for the spring and summer 2025 terms and introduced a flexi-pass system for nursery sessions. We hope that these measures will give our families the assurance that the school remains committed to providing a high standard of education that focuses on the essential components of schooling.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to all our students, parents, and staff for their unwavering dedication and hard work.

Timothy Tan, Governor and Director of Ingenio Education.