Curriculum Enrichment Week for Year 2
One of the standout moments of the last school term at Windrush Valley Prep School was Curriculum Enrichment Week. Designed to expand the learning experience beyond traditional lessons, this week provides an exciting opportunity for pupils to explore new subjects, engage in hands-on activities, and unleash their creativity.
A trip to the Cotswold Sculpture Park
For the Year 2 class, the week began with a memorable trip to the Cotswold Sculpture Park. The park is a treasure trove of artistic expression, featuring 128 sculptures that sparked the children’s imaginations. The pupils enthusiastically followed a trail around Save & Exit the park, pausing to admire each unique piece. Among the many sculptures on display, two pieces captured the children’s attention and became firm favourites—a majestic polar bear and a charming turtle named Myrtle. It was wonderful to see the children so engaged, their curiosity piqued by the diverse forms and materials used by the artists.

Art and creativity
Back at school, the focus turned to studying the life and work of the renowned artist L.S. Lowry. Known for his distinctive style of depicting industrial landscapes and ‘matchstick’ figures, Lowry’s work provided an inspiring foundation for the class’s own artistic explorations. The children were encouraged to interpret Lowry’s style in their own way, resulting in some truly impressive pieces of art. The detailed scenes and the thoughtful use of colour showed just how much the children had taken to heart Lowry’s distinctive approach. It was a delight to see them experimenting with new techniques and producing artwork that they could be proud of.
As the week progressed, the children’s creativity continued to flourish with a visit from Daisy Roots Ceramics, a local pottery workshop. This hands-on experience introduced the children to the art of pottery. Under the guidance of skilled instructors each child decorated pottery with vibrant colours and patterns.

Year 2 art exhibition
The grand finale of Curriculum Enrichment Week was an art gallery exhibition organised by the Year 2 class. The pupils worked diligently to set up the display, carefully arranging their paintings, pottery, and sketches to showcase their efforts. The exhibition was open to the whole school, and it was heartwarming to see the Year 2 pupils confidently sharing their artwork and explaining what they had learned throughout the week.
Curriculum Enrichment Week was undoubtedly a highlight of the term for Year 2. The combination of field trips, hands-on art sessions, and the chance to exhibit their work made it an inspiring and enriching experience.